In life, you will cross paths with many difficult people. You cannot avoid it.
And what do difficult people say and do?
Symptoms of Difficult people include: (but is not limited to)
- Off-color jokes
- Insults
- Drivers with road rage
- Passive aggressive texts and emails
- Gossip
- Hostility
- Rude behavior
- Etc.
The Bible instructs us to do the following in regards to foolish people:
Proverbs 9:6 KJV
[6] Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.
In other words we don’t need to be around foolish people or involve ourself in foolish things.
On this blog we are not in the business of name calling. But let’s keep things real and honest.
If a individual shows a continual pattern of foolish behavior it would be safe to say they are a fool.
So while we don’t need to go around calling people a fool, we should be able to be able to identify one, and respond appropriately.
The Clothesline Technique
The clothesline technique is very simple and can be used by anyone.
But before I tell you how to use it, allow me to share with you something my mother would always tell me.
This simply means don’t participate in those things people would only expect from a fool.
Let’s say for example you are giving a presentation in front of your coworkers and peers.
As you are presenting information about last month’s revenue, a coworker makes a comment about how boring your presentation is.
The comment is unexpected by everyone, and they all turn and look to you for a response. So what do you do?
By doing nothing, you are actually doing everything you need to in this situation.
What Foolish People Need
Foolish people need willing participants. They need someone who is willing to join them in their folly.
For example,what happens when a foolish person tells a inappropriate joke and no one laughs? They become very embarrassed.
The embarrassment comes from not having anyone to back them up in their silliness.
The same is true in our above example. If they make a inappropriate comment about your presentation being boring, just don’t reply.
Allow them to look silly all by themselves.
This technique is to be used as a way to stay focused on the topic at hand, and not as a way to embarrass people.
Using this technique while interacting with others allows you to stay locked-in on the goal you are trying to achieve.
Situations you can use this technique are when:
- In meetings
- Teaching or public speaking
- Text or email conversations
- Speaking face to face with someone
- Etc.
Hopefully you’ve found this topic interesting. Consider sharing it with a friend who could really use it.
Also encourage them to subscribe to the growing community that is A Step Above Style!
Until next time Gents!
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