Convenient stores, Drive-Thru’s, online shopping, food delivery, and virtual doctor’s visits are just a few of the ways we have become accustomed to “life made easy”.
While convenience is enjoyable, it does come at a price.
For example, have you ever noticed how chips at a gas station cost more than those same chips from an actual grocery store?
So what you gain in not having to walk through that “big ole grocery store” you end up “losing” in paying for higher priced snacks at a small convenient store.
But did you know there is an additional way you may end up paying for convenience? Let me tell you what the other price may be.
How many people never learn to cook because they have the convinience of restaurants and drive-thru’s?
Or how many people have to constantly return the clothes they ordered online because they didn’t feel like trying on those same clothes in their local store?
Spoiler Alert: It’s the watch.
Now I’m going to give you 3 major reasons why.
Number 1 : The Ability To Read An Analog Clock Is Quickly Becoming A Lost Skill
Similar to being able to write in cursive and name all fifty states in the U.S., reading a analog clock is becoming a lost skill.
Imagine the embarrassing feeling of someone asking you the time, but you can’t read a analog clock dial!
Number 2 : Checking Your Watch Is More Polite In Most Situations
What if you had to check the time during a job interview? Do you think it would be appropriate to pull out your phone in front of your future employer?
Or how about if you were on a first date with someone? Would you take your attention off of them and pull out your phone? It is a date after all!
A key thing to remember here is etiquette. There is an appropriate way to behave everywhere we go.
In like manner, there is an appropriate (and inappropriate) way to use things we own such as cell phones.
Number 3: Watches Are Both Functional And Fashionable
The cool thing about watches is they serve a specific purpose. They aren’t meant to be multi-tools.
Watches keep time. And thereby are timeless (insert dad joke here). When you look at your watch, people know exactly what you are doing.
Compare this to when someone takes out their cell phone. What are they using it for? It could be:
- Checking the time
- Responding to a text
- Looking to see who’s calling
- Doing their taxes
- Seeing who liked their photo on Instagram
- Watching a YouTube video
- Taking a picture
- Using it as a flashlight
- Using it as a mirror
- Etc.
As you can see the list is long for things a phone can be used for. Truly cell phones are multi-tools.
So what is the final verdict?
Use your watch, not your phone.
If you want to be aware of the time, yet remain classy, use a watch.
People use cell phones in all kinds of situations they shouldn’t. Like while driving, at the dinner table, in church etc.
So instead, be in the thoughtful minority of those who use their watch to keep time. You’ll be glad you did.
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