The greatest gift my dad ever gave me is something that has continued to shape my worldview to this very day.
Since we at A Step Above Style value your time (and because you already know why you’re here) we’ll jump right into today’s topic.
Let’s begin.
Story Time
My Dad’s side of the family is from Alexandria, Louisiana. He was one of 14 children to a mother everyone called Madea.
All of Madea’s 14 children (7 boys and 7 girls) had children of their own. As a result, this led to a ton of grandchildren.
Perhaps my most vivid memory of going to Madea’s house is walking through her door and seeing a large crowd of the aunts, uncles, and their children.
One of the things that always happened was the 14 siblings sitting around and talking about their kids.
Some would talk about their academic accomplishments, how tall (or wide) they were getting , or how they behaved.
This brings us to the unintentional gift my dad gave me.
But before I share what that gift was, allow me to first explain how my parents raised me.
My mom and dad taught me to be:
- Respectful
- Helpful
- Grateful
(Ok now back to the story).
So as I would listen to my aunts and uncles talk I began to notice how some of them said things such as ,
Or comments like,
To my shock and dismay my Dad would actually nod his head and agree with those statements!
I couldn’t believe that my Dad who had raised me to be respectful, helpful, and grateful would join in with his siblings who thought their kids still had so much to learn.
I felt like I was grateful, but apparently I wasn’t showing it enough.
Because if I was, he wouldn’t be nodding his head in agreement right? Right?
The Unintentional Gift
As I saw what was unfolding before my eyes, something started to rise up within me.
So from that point on I made it a point to always thank my Dad for everything.
When he would hold the door open for me I said thank you. When he handed me my plate of food at the dinner table I said thank you.
When he gave me money for good grades in school I would be sure to say thank you. Even when he called me on the phone I would thank him for taking the time to call.
I wanted it to be abundantly clear that I was grateful for everything he said and did for me. But do you want to know what’s interesting about all this?
He didn’t realize the way his words and actions were propelling me to be a better son, and eventually a better man.
And as meaningful as this gift was to me, the funny part is my Dad was likely just caught up in the moment with his siblings.
Nodding his head and agreeing with them was likely just him making conversation.
Nevertheless, the combination of a Dad’s few harmless words mixed with a son’s inner desire to prove someone wrong made me the man I am today.
Speaking of that…
The Man I Am Today
Today I am still thanking him, and others for everything they do for me.
I don’t do it in a silly or competitive way, but in a meaningful, heartfelt, and appreciative way. Here are a few examples of how I thank people in my life.
I thank my wife for the way she hears me out when I have a lot on my mind.
I thank my friends for allowing me to be a introvert, and not making me feel bad for who I am.
I thank my mom for allowing me to be her married son, and never once making me or my wife feel any pressure in any way. I really appreciate her for this.
I thank strangers who hold the door open for me at gas stations.
I thank the people who hand me my food at a fast food place.
One time a homeless man gave me lemon-lime flavored Gatorade just to be kind. immediately I thanked him.
Again, I thank my Dad for helping me become a more grateful person.
How This Lesson Can Help You
There are two things you should know.
And secondly…
It really puts things into perspective when you understand the two statements above.
Grateful people strike a delicate balance between acknowledging what they may not have, while putting more attention on that which is good in their lives.
Below are some examples of how people choose to be grateful rather than entitled, sad, or negative.
We at A Step Above Style hope you have enjoyed today’s post.
We believe our all our Community members are people who strive to be their very best. People who can positively impact those around them.
Remember, being grateful will not only benefit your life, but also the lives of those around you.
Until next time, y’all have a good one.
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