Maybe you think:
- Nada
- Nil
- Zilch
- None
- Zero
- Nothingness
- Literally nothing
- Still nothing
Or better yet has your curiosity of Minimalism ever caused you to look it up on YouTube? If so, this is probably what you saw in the thumbnail:
Still not convinced?
Allow me to share with you this definition of Minimalism by Joshua Becker.
For reference he is the author of the book “The More Of Less” and the creator of
On page 18 of his aforementioned book, he defines Minimalism this way:
When I read this portion of Mr. Becker’s book, I felt like the scales had fallen off my eyes.
Everything I had ever heard about Minimalism up until this point just got tossed out!
So how does this new definition affect you and I? Now we know what Minimalism is and is not.
Additionally, we can now begin to eliminate the excess clutter in our homes and our lives with a clear goal in mind.
Now I’m going to share with you how Minimalism has personally changed my life for the better.
I used to have so many clothes in my closet that I couldn’t even see what all I had.
Minimalism helped me to differentiate between clothing items I liked, really liked, and LOVED.
So now when I reach in my closet, I’m always grabbing something I love to wear and look good in.
Gone are the days of me buying something I kind of liked just because of a great sale that I “couldn’t miss”.
Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a huge thrift store enthusiast!
I live by the motto of “Acquiring the best items possible for the best prices possible”.
All this to say, I now do research to learn how to spot a well-made pair of shoes or suit so I can buy them even at a thrift store or on eBay!
When you buy well-made items you can buy less often and in smaller quantities. This is because the item won’t break, tear, or fall apart easily.
Example: One well made pair of shoes that lasts for years is better than 5 pairs of shoes that last for a few months each.
You know when you’re about to pay for your stuff at a department store, and you find yourself surrounded by all sorts of useless knick-knacks?
The goal of the store is to get you to buy just a few more things before you make it to the cash register.
Sure you may not have been thinking about any of these things, but you can’t let a good deal go to waste either! Right? Right??
I used that example to show that now when I go into any store it’s always with a purpose. No more random shopping or mindless spending.
Additionally, I’m very cautious of fast fashion stores like:
- Forever 21
- H&M
- Zara
- Uniqlo
- Shein
Let’s just say these stores serve a specific purpose for a specific group of people.
And that is a topic for another day, but suffice to say they aren’t ideal for minimalist and those who enjoy well-made items.
First, I challenge you to go through your closet and take out the items you LOVE.
Second, Take a look at what remains. Is there anything there that you really like and may want to hold on to? If so, then pick a few and do so.
Third, look at all the excess items you didn’t love or even really like. Consider selling them for some extra cash or donating them to a good cause.
Lastly, enjoy the results!
A minimalist wardrobe doesn’t mean a closet with 3 shirts that are all black. That isn’t for everybody.
Your minimalist closet is one that only has items you truly value. It is free of distractions.
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