Today we are featuring a brand new Member Spotlight!
But before we begin, did you know?
A Step Above Style is more than just a blog. It’s a community.
A community of ladies and gentlemen who strive toward the common goal of being the best version of themselves possible.
Below is a fascinating interview we had with one of our valued members Ms. Katarina Srut.

ASAS Blog: Hey! Thanks for joining us today. Please formally introduce yourself to the Community.
Katarina: Hey y’all! My name is Katarina Srut.
ASAS Blog : And how old are you?
Katarina: I’m 23 years old.
ASAS Blog: And where is your hometown?
Katarina : I was born and raised in Houston, TX.
ASAS Blog : What is a funny story your family tells about you that you’d like to share?
Katarina : My brother and I are very close in age, about 18 months apart, and when we were little I found ways to use my little leg up on him in age and understanding as an advantage.
I understood the value of money and stuff before he did. My family describes me as a “little entrepreneur”, and others “little con-artist” for this one. My little brother and I were spending the summer in North Bay, Ontario, Canada with our grandparents when we were about 5 and 3 years old.
One of the waitresses that worked at our grandparents’ restaurant, Tek’s Seafoods, doubled as our babysitter on occasion. One day she gave me two sheets of some cool stickers, one for me and one to give to my brother.
Well, little Katarina saw an opportunity here. I didn’t give my little brother his sheet. Instead, I showed off my new stickers to him, he thought they were awesome too, so I said I’d sell him a sheet.
We’d gotten some Canadian money from our grandparents for spending. He agreed that a tooney (basically a $2 coin) per sticker seemed fair. The sheet had 10 stickers on it. I had an additional $20 in my pocket. Until I got caught.
ASAS Blog : What are some of your hobbies/ interests?
Katarina : I became pretty passionate about politics in recent years.

I’ve done some campaign work recently for a friend who was running for U.S. Congress, and have also worked with an organization called Texas Youth Summit the last 2.5 years on setting up events to help educate and young people about the importance of principles like fiscal responsibility, American exceptionalism and Judeo-Christian values, and empower them to fight to win the culture war we are currently in.
I make a habit of attending political events locally and conferences in other states to network. Just recently, I had my first opportunity to be on stage moderating a conversation on “How To Fight the Left”, which was pretty cool.
I also have a huuuge love for music. Mostly listening and singing though, I never learned to play an instrument, although I would like to!
ASAS Blog : What is your occupation?
Katarina : I am a nursing student, who works as a nurse extern (recently hired!) at a hospital.
ASAS Blog : What is a secret about the industry you work in that most people don’t know about?
Katarina : Something I noticed with a majority of the hospitals I’ve worked at, when a patients ask for a coffee, the nurses give them decaf.
Typically they don’t ask if it has caffeine, so therefore the nurses don’t tell. So if you thought you were getting your caffeine fix from your nurse, it was a placebo. You’ll have to get someone to go to the cafeteria for you to get you the real deal.
ASAS Blog : What is one lesson you’ve learned on your job that you think everyone should know about?
Katarina : Honestly I would say the best thing I’ve learned about is therapeutic communication.
ASAS Blog : And why do you feel like that lesson is important for people to learn?
Katarina : When you’re seeing patients and family members that are undoubtedly in some of the worst moments in their life, you have to do your best to be the support they need, without overstepping with things like false hope or your own beliefs (which can be very difficult).
They just need to know they’re under the best care possible and you’re going to do everything you can to make it easy as can be.
ASAS Blog : If you could start a business tomorrow, what would it be?
Katarina : I would probably really try to get my hot sauce business off the ground. I haven’t given it the time and effort it needs!

ASAS Blog : Are you a introvert or a extrovert?
Katarina : I am definitely an introvert with the occasional behavior of an extrovert once I’m at a certain comfort level with those I’m around, or if I force myself to be at an event or something.
ASAS Blog : If you could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?
Katarina : I would want to be remembered for giving all I had in me, unwaveringly, for the things I believe in.
ASAS Blog : If you could give your 18-year- old self advice, what would it be?
Katarina : I would tell myself not to try to plan everything out down to the last detail, because plans change, and life will throw curveballs. Your plans are going to change. And that is okay. God has a plan for you.
You may not know Him yet (I was agnostic at 18), but He knows you. His plan is better than any plan you are going to try to write for yourself. He will be there walking with you always, and He loves you more than you know, more than anyone on this world will ever love you, so please quit caring so much about what the world thinks of you.
And stop looking for reasons not to believe, start looking for reasons to believe.
ASAS Blog : Tell me about a influential person in your life and how they impacted you.
Katarina: My mother has been a big role model for me. She is such a strong, independent woman who has somehow managed to balance being a mother and a fierce and fair businesswoman.
We have very similar personalities, but she is way more wild than I’ve ever been. Still, she is someone I admire so much for not only what she’s accomplished, but in how she carries herself. She’s confident without being cocky, and lends support and cheers on others wherever she can.
She’s a planner, almost so much that she’s OCD, but I’ve been grateful for that more than once, despite some of her nagging. She’s selfless, especially when it comes to her children, and loves animals so much, which we have in common.
One time she angered the Mexican Mafia (unknowingly) when we were vacationing in Playa del Carmen, because these men had a poor little, obviously drugged, white tiger cub that they were using to charge tourists for photos, and my mom (as expected) declared that animal cruelty and gave them a piece of her mind.
Upon asking a waiter at a restaurant not far from there, he informed us who they were, and that we should make sure we are not being followed before heading back to where we were staying…but that’s my mom! Gotta love her.
ASAS Blog : If you could have coffee with any historical figure, who would you choose, and why?
Katarina : I’m not sure mine counts as historical, because he is alive today, but I really would love to grab a coffee with Dr. Jordan Peterson.
I do believe he has made such an impact on the world, that on the day he leaves us he will go down in history as one of the most profound and intelligent men to live in our century.
ASAS Blog : What is your biggest pet peeve?
Katarina : Being tapped repeatedly on the shoulder when I’m clearly busy.
ASAS Blog : Describe your personal style in 3 words or less
Katarina : Western, colorful, miscellaneous.
ASAS Blog : Tell us one way the ASAS blog has benefited you?
Katarina : It has given me cause to look inward, and think about things I could potentially do to improve myself.
I appreciate that because after all, we may not be able to change the world but we can change ourselves, and hope that at least we are putting our best foot forward and be that light that we’re meant to be.
ASAS Blog : What is one question you wish I’d asked you, and how would you have answered?
Katarina : What is an unpopular opinion that you have?
Katarina: I don’t think everyone should go to college.
Once upon a time, namely in the boomer generation, it was a huge deal to be able to go to college and the ultimate goal for those of that generation was to then be able to afford their children that opportunity.
It was a bragging right. “Oh, well my kid’s an Aggie”, or “my kid’s going to Notre Dame”. Parents all did it, and still do. And there is nothing wrong with that.
But here’s my thing. If I could get someone to legislate this somehow I would: there are certain jobs where skills and experience are more important than a piece of paper. Not having a degree should not disqualify you in the application process (within certain jobs).
If you’re going to college to get a skill for a practice, like nursing, law, medical, etc. by all means go, you should have an extensive education for those. But we have so many people going to college for an arts degree, a gender studies degree, etc. and what jobs are those good for?
According to a study conducted by the New York Federal Reserve Bank, only 27% of people in 2022 work in the field their degree is in. Go get a skill. There are plenty of great jobs that don’t require a degree.
In fact, I think less should require one. Its insane to me how many people lost their job during covid who spent years climbing the corporate ladder in their companies, having 10+ years of skills and experience in their field, only to be left without a job and unable to get one in that same field, doing that same thing, all because they don’t have a degree.
To me, if I was an employer, I would care more about the skills. If you can avoid the massive debt that the system works to put you in, all the more power to you.
ASAS Blog : Anything you’d like to promote? (Social media page, business, etc) How can people reach you?
Katarina : Follow me on Instagram @katarinasrut
Sign up for and follow Texas Youth Summit @texasyouthsummit if you are a young conservative who is wanting to learn how to fight for your beliefs, get involved in politics as a young person, and meet others your age who share your love for God and country.

ASAS Blog : Thank you for your time today Katarina! This was a fascinating interview. We know the Community has enjoyed it.
Until next time, y’all have a good one.
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